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Instruction Manual


  • Ensure the box is in good condition. If not, take a photo of the damaged area

  • Confirm you have received the correct size: 


              16 ft/Compact           18 ft/Mid Size         20 ft/Truck


































Foam insert port (empty)               Foam inserts                         Foam inside the port    














 Option 1 - Full containment - Foam inserts are placed on all 4 sides of the containment mat

  • No water/dirt/debris will escape from the mat

  • Placement of the mat can be anywhere in the garage

  • When it is time to clean the mat, simply take out the foam insert closest to the overhead garage door, where the Under Door Flap is located

  • You will be driving over the foam inserts, which may compress the foam inserts over time.  (To help with this, you can exchange the foam inserts to a different side of the mat, or replace the foam inserts)


Option 2 - Partial containment - Foam inserts are placed on 3 sides of the containment mat

  • Placement of the mat must be close enough to the overhead garage door so that the Under Door Flap is right at the door or pinched under the door when it is closed

  • When the door is closed, it acts as the fourth side of the mat and allows full containment.

  • When the door is open, any water/dirt/debris is allowed to escape from the mat and onto the driveway or back lane


Your SUPERMat has ultimate flexibility to meet your needs. Whether you choose Option 1 or 2 for your initial installation, you can always change it, at any time.  The choice is yours.


You can also affix the mat to the floor with the velcro corner pads

  • We have provided you the opportunity to secure the 4 corners of the mat if you feel you need to

  • Using the velcro corner pads is not mandatory

  • The velcro corner pads can be used with either the Full or Partial containment mat options

  • Refer to Step 6 below for installation instructions






Prepare your garage floor

  • Remove all gravel and sharp items from the floor where you plan on placing the SUPERMat

  • Sweep and clean the floor thoroughly

  • Warranty may be void with improper floor preparation 

  • Dry the floor thoroughly if you are using the velcro secured corners



Open your SUPERMat box

  • Do NOT use a knife or sharp object to open the box

  • Open the box from the top end, not the long side

  • Carefully remove contents

  • Inspect the contents.  The box should contain the following: 

    • Foam containment tubes

    • 4 velcro secure corner pads

    • 1 squeegee head

    • 1 containment SUPERMat 

  • Unroll the SUPERMat 

  • Placing the SUPERMat:

    • SUPERMat logo is the top side of the mat

    • Turn mat face down, so the SUPERMat logo is against the floor

    • SUPERMat logo should be at the end of the garage opposite the overhead garage door

    • The Under Door Flap should be closest to the overhead garage door

    • You should be looking at the bottom side of the mat, with no logo present

    • You should see the foam insert ports on each side of the mat




Prepare the soap solution

  • Find an empty spray bottle, such as one used for cleaning (not provided) 

  • Ensure it is cleaned out well

  • Fill bottle half full of warm to hot water

  • Add 2 squirts of regular dish soap 

  • Close and shake the bottle

  • It is important that there be soap in the bottle to provide a smooth foam insert process




Prepare the foam insert ports

  • Ensure the SUPERMat logo is face down on the floor

  • You should see the foam insert ports

  • Option 1 - Full Containment = all foam insert ports will be used

  • Option 2 - Partial Containment = foam insert ports will be used along the two long sides of the mat and the short side of the mat, where the logo is

  • Take the soap solution and spray the inside of the foam insert ports by opening the port with one hand/finger and placing the nozzle of the spray bottle into the port

  • Ensure you spray the soap solution inside the foam insert ports in both directions

  • Repeat this process in all of the foam insert ports, depending on which option you choose

  • Be very liberal with the soap solution as this will assist the foam inserts to slide into the ports




Sort and Insert foam containment tubes

  • For the 16' and 18' SUPERMat, use the 4 longer foam containment tubes for the 2 shorter ends of the mat

  • Take the soap solution and spray the foam containment tube ends

  • Option 1 - Full Containment = all foam tubes will be needed

  • Option 2 - Partial Containment = most of the foam tubes will be needed

  • Be very liberal with the soap solution on the foam tubes as this will assist with sliding the foam tubes into the ports

  • Holding the foam insert port open with one hand/finger, take a foam containment tube and slide it all the way into the channel

  • Continue this procedure until all foam tubes are inserted into the ports

  • Option 1 - Full Containment = Make sure all 4 corners of the mat have the foam inserts touching each other from each direction, forming a solid 90 degree corner, as this is mandatory for full water containment 

  • Option 2 - Make sure 3 corners of the mat have the foam inserts touching each other 

  • Turn the SUPERMat over, so the logo is face up

  • Please make sure your floor in clean under the SUPERMat location 

  • Place the SUPERMat in the position you feel comfortable with:

    • It should be close to the overhead garage door

    • Make sure you have room to close the door when the vehicle is on the mat

    • The top end with the logo is at the opposite end of the overhead garage door

    • The Under Door Flap is closest to the overhead garage door

    • When driving onto the SUPERMat surface, we recommend you try a few practise entries so you feel comfortable with the SUPERMat location



STEP 6 - Optional

Affix the velcro corner pads

  • The velcro corner pads can be installed at any time, but are not reusable

  • We recommend that you use the mat for at least a week or two before installation, so that you can be comfortable with the desired mat placement

  • Ensure the garage floor is clean, warm and dry before installation

  • Ensure the SUPERMat is clean, warm and dry to encourage proper adhesion

  • If you need to warm the floor and mat, use a painters heat gun or blow dryer.  Do not use anything with an open flame, such as a lighter or a torch

  • Decide on the ideal location of the SUPERMat

  • Once placed on your garage floor, they are not movable and reusable, so be sure of the mat location before applying

  • You should have received 4 corner pads of hook velcro and 4 corner pads of loop velcro

  • Start by matching up the pads into pairs, with one hook and one loop pad being a pair

  • Put them together, so that the sticky side of the pads is on the outside of each pair

  • You now have 4 pairs of pads

  • With the mat face up, you can see the logo at the end furthest from the overhead garage door

  • Flip over every corner of the mat, so that you can put the velcro pads on the back side of the mat

  • Remove the paper backing from the hook side of the velcro corner pad and place it onto the corner of the mat.  Press firmly to affix the pad to the mat

  • Remove the paper backing from the loop side of the pad and flip the mat back over.  The sticky side of the pad should now be on the garage floor. Press firmly to affix the pad to the floor

  • Repeat for all 4 corners of the mat

  • The secure velcro corner pads require 24 hours for full adherence



You are ready to enjoy your SUPERMat, the BEST containment mat in the Industry!


  • The SUPERMat wrinkles from the packaging and folding will press themselves out over time

  • Option 1 - Full containment 

    • water that is contained in the SUPERMat will naturally evaporate over time, if in a heated environment

    • dirt and debris remain within the mat until you are ready to clean it

  • Option 2 - Partial containment 

    • water may drain out of the SUPERMat and onto the driveway or back lane, when the overhead garage door is open, depending on the slope of the garage floor

    • dirt and debris may also drain out, or may remain within the mat until you are ready to clean it




  • We recommend to clean the SUPERMat during the season to help prevent the gravel from wearing the material over time, where gravel is used on the roadways or transferred onto the SUPERMat

  • Option 1 - Full containment - remove the foam insert from the end of the mat that is closest to the large garage door

  • Option 2 - Partial containment - is ready to clean

  • Sweeping, spraying with water, squeegee and shop vac are all acceptable cleaning methods

  • A power sprayer is not recommended

  • Do not use sharp objects, such as a shovel or ice pick to remove debris


  • RECOMMENDED SUPERMat Cleaning process:

    • Spray out water, dirt and debris with a garden hose

    • Use warm water and a mild soap to clean the SUPERMat

    • Attach the squeegee provided to a broom handle and push the water off the mat and onto the driveway or back lane




  • At the end of the season, you may choose to pack up your SUPERMat and store it until next season

  • Ensure you thoroughly clean and dry the SUPERMat

  • Simply roll it up and store it away

  • If you are using the velcro corner pads, leave the loop side of the pad that is affixed on the garage floor 




  • SUPERMat offers the Best overall limited warranty in the Industry with a 2 season usage guarantee, from the original purchaser

  • Warranty will be void if you use studded tires when on the SUPERMat




At SUPERMats, we do our BEST to make things easy for you

Should you have any questions about your mat, the installation of it or the cleaning of it, please choose one of the following options to contact us:



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foam inside ports.jpg
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